cancelled flight

“Hi can I check you passport he asked” oh I forgot to tell you I am  a security guard for the airport if you don’t show me  your passport please leave thank you for showing me you go pass me and go on you flight. Behind the counters, the workers were scanning the suitcases to make sure nothing inappropriate was in there. In less than two minutes, the passenger was off on the plane but unfortunately his flight got cancelled. He went back home and looked on his phone to find another flight to Canberra. He found a flight that was on a Saturday the month after.

4 thoughts on “cancelled flight”

  1. G,day Hazza , Great work I liked when you said “In less then two minutes” which is also E Estimation of time and when you said behind the counter which is W where things are. But in the first sentences you need a couple of full stops and apostirfis

  2. G,day Hazza , Great work I liked when you said “In less then two minutes” which is also E Estimation of time and when you said behind the counter which is W where things are. But in the first sentences you need a couple of full stops and apostrophes. great work over all. Cheers Monique.

  3. Flying can be stressful, but stress can in turn be a wonderful source for writing stories or poems. Considering the effort your character has undertaken they seemed very unbothered by it all. An airport is an amazing place to set stories… what else happened or could have happened while they were there?

  4. Hello Hazza, I like how you have shown some of the frustrating things about flying; going through security, guards, passports, flight cancellations. I’ve had that happen when you are sitting on the tarmac and then you are told you have to get off the plane. It is very frustrating, especially if you are meant to be somewhere important the next day. Some further punctuation would have helped with the flow of your story so maybe, make that a goal for next time. Well done.

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